Why choose Wellston City Schools?

Why choose Wellston City Schools?

Wellston City Schools will achieve excellence in education for ALL learners. a caring, safe & respectful environment, develop successful members of society.

Is there a 2 hour delay in Wellston?

Wellston City Schools will be operating on a 2-hour delay Monday, February 7th. Wellston Middle School honor students for the second grading period. Wellston City Schools will achieve excellence in education for ALL learners. a caring, safe & respectful environment, develop successful members of society.

What happened to the Wellston city council meeting?

All voting in the city of Wellston occurs at the Jackson-Vinton Community Action Building (the old Central School) at 118 South New York Avenue. Polls are set up in the gymnasium.

This evening’s meeting of Wellston City Council has been postponed until 2/10/2022 due to inclement weather. There is currently a BOIL ORDER for New York Avenue from East 10th Street to East 12th street, or any customers with low pressure or no water.

Wellston City Schools

WHS: Milliken, Elaine: [email protected]: 2400: Secretary: WHS: Niese, …

Wellston City Schools

With wellston city schools website, you can access lots of information about Wellston City Schools including but not limited to Wellston City Schools calendar, registration, enrollment and other important updates. Without further Ado, proceed below to access wellston city schools website.

Main Calendar – Wellston City Schools – Wellston High …

A copy of the proclamation will be sent to the office of Congressman Bill Johnson. To send your own letter of support, Congressman Bill Johnson may be reached at 202 Park Avenue, Suite C, Ironton, Ohio 45638. To reach the Congressman’s office by phone, call 740-534-9431 or 1-855-376-0868.