What is the official website of citruscollege Edu canvas?

What is the official website of citruscollege Edu canvas?

Are you looking for Citruscollege Edu Canvas?, Its official website is my.citruscollege.edu. To know more about Citruscollege Edu Canvas read the guide below.

Who can use the Citrus College student task?

This Task has been designed for use by Student. Student Email and Microsoft Office applications. Please note that Citrus College blocks external emails (from outside of Citrus College) until you register for a course.

How do I log in to my Canvas account?

Log in to Canvas at this location (do not Google Canvas, because you need to enter via a Citrus College-provided link): https://citruscollege.instructure.com/login/ When you are prompted for the username and password, use the first part of your email (before the @ sign) for your username and use your Citrus email password as the Canvas password.

What learning management system does Citrus County use?

The Citrus County School District is now using Canvas as our learning management system that supports online learning and teaching. This platform allows our teachers to post grades, information, and assignments online.

Canvas Support for Students – Citrus College

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